The picture above is a piece between the chasis and the rear upper control arm. Notice the "clean" area on the RUCA. I attempted to remove it but was unsuccesful. I am pretty sure it's bolted through on the top side of the chasis. Looks like I'd have to remove some bed panelling to gain access. I'm gonna try and pull some diagrams from Subaru to save me a bunch of time.
The hex area of the bumpstop is 75mm in diameter for all intensive purposes.
I also measured the maximum stroke on the Zeal damper ~ 3.5", this was the exposed shaft area. I am assuming the bumpstop is inside of the damper tube and hope it's not going to subtract from the measured stroke. I will call Endless to find out more information.
I then proceeded to measure how much stroke is lost when the suspension is loaded and i measured approx 60mm (2.36" ~ 2.4"). As a result leaving me with only 1" of stroke.
NTS: Find out relative costs to 1. U/M spacer adaptor. 2. Longer stroke Dampers for rear.
Ultimately a longer stroke damper or longer threaded tube would be ideal for what i want. 2-3" longer is perfect.